Now available for all AIM users is a new feature entitled AIM Call Out. We have made it easier than ever to make phone calls to phone numbers all over the world; 200 countries in fact. Instead of paying a monthly fee, AIM Call Out allows you to pay as you go. Rates vary from country to country, and you need AIM 6.5 to use AIM Call Out. Of course calling either audio or video from one AIM client to another AIM client (PC-to-PC) is still free. We even have partnered up with a couple of headset manufactures to provide high quality audio output devices. I actually have been using it on my trip here in Tel Aviv and think the quality and ease to use is great.
Speaking of Israel here is a picture I took today watching the sunset on the beach.
Greg, there’s also the WebConnect option that doesn’t require the AIM client. You can initiate a call between any two numbers via the dashboard web page. The only drawback is that you use minutes for both legs of the call (system to source phone and system to destination phone).
theres a new version of aim at
i know that there are only 3 people left at aol beta
and they werent the people who did the aim beta
is there still gonna be new aim versions?
will they go into beta?
please giveme some answers
hmmmm i think ill ahve to try it out the was going to use grandcentral and gizmo, but this is cheaper and gizmo and it can just use one program. BUt if i ever get a smart phone with wifi gizmo and sykpe have plam apps i douht theres a AIm client for those that suport call out. But I dont have a smart phone now so i think this will be a cheap solution for calling peeps.
Hi, I am new to this VOIP stuff because I just got DSL. I was previously on dialup.
Anyway, I downloaded and tested Skype, VOIPCheap, a number of others. They all appear the same more or less. The advantage of Skype appears to be that it is the largest platform. They make all the USB VOIP phone adapters with Skype in mind it seems.
I mean that’s the goal right? Being able to use VOIP like you would a real phone (cordless) for ease of use without being tethered.
I did install the latest AIM and it’s pretty lame. You really can’t call out unless you buy credits it seems.
Another thing, so what if you can call other AIM members for free? ‘Call” is simply voice and you can do that with any number of messengers or chat programs. The goal again is being able to use these programs like a real phone, not being physically connected by a cable or wire to your computer.
I’ll get excited when AIM phoneline is more like SKYPE allowing the use of a USB VOIP phone adapter.