AIM on the iPhone is out and free

The lines are forming fast and furious at Apple and AT&T stores all across the world and anticipation has reached a furor pitch for the 3G iPhone tomorrow.  But, not wanting to trump tomorrow’s excitement, Apple released iTunes 7.7 that has AppStore support (AIM MusicLink works with iTunes 7.7) and with the iPhone SDK 2.0 posted this morning, apps can now be downloaded and installed!

We have posted the AIM client that we first debuted on stage at the iPhone SDK launch back in March.  The client has been improved with some really cool features new to the AIM client, including gestures to start new messages and switch between conversations, as well as the ability to use the iPhone camera to take a picture and make the picture your buddy icon.  A bunch of people asked how we wrote the client, and the answer is that we used our Open AIM Web APIs to write this client.  The client is free and available on the AppStore now.

5 thoughts on “AIM on the iPhone is out and free

  1. Pingback: Greg’s Mind » Blog Archive » AIM is leading the pack of downloads on the AppStore

  2. downloadsquad did a number on it….ouch.

    “You’re kidding us, right? This is the best chat we can get for one of the world’s most advanced phones? Almost every instant messenger program that was available for jailbroken phones make this look like My First Coding Project. Buggy UI, annoying lack of mute, no icon message updates (or updates at all), and rapid fire message downloading when you reopen make this pure, unadulterated fail.”

  3. Greg – if an iChat user has his background set to a dark color and IMs the iPhone AIM app, you can’t read the text (i.e. iChat user has WHITE text on BLACK background… and messages you on your iPhone, you can’t read the text). Minor annoyance.

    Love the app. 🙂

  4. The aim on the iPhone is garbage. If apple or at&t is being cheap about text messages revenue lost due to a perfect aim application, then why not just make an aim application that works like the aim on the sidekick and require an unlimited text purchase? The iPhone would be absolutely perfect if it had a perfect aim app. I would definitly buy unlimited text just for the aim. So to all the software developers out there, hurry up and perfect the aim so I don’t regret buying this phone!!!!!

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