Thoughts from across the pond.

I am over in Dublin for the weekend to give a couple of presentations at MashupCamp, and to do a presentation at our AOL offices. If you are in the Dublin area or at the conference make sure to stick around until after lunch, have a beer, and come listen to a talk about Open AIM and OpenAuth.

I already see there is some feedback on the latest AIM MusicLink I released on Thursday, and I have tried reproducing a few of the issues reported. Namely that iTunes 7.5 results in the song playing not appearing in your status or profile. I downloaded iTunes and with the latest AIM MusicLink and the latest AIM client, I had no issues. I am planning on looking at Windows Media Player 11 to see if something broke, but again it is an API that SHOULD be backward compatible. Make sure you are setting your preferences, and that you are not setting yourself as away, and everything should be working.

I will be posting my presentations from today on the blog later today so check back tomorrow and they will be up there. In addition, I have added some of my older presentations from 2006 to page, so if you want to see what was going on back then, you can now reference them.

One thought on “Thoughts from across the pond.

  1. any chances on getting musiclink to be Zune compatible? I know zune 1.0 was pretty much just a replica of Windows Media Player with a few different features. But Zune Media Player 2.0 is definately the most versatile Media player I’ve ever encountered. Doesn’t look like WMP at all, but chances are the backline coding is very similar even though the GUI is quite different (and better).

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