This weekend I had the chance to participate on 2 panels at the Social Learning Summit at American University. Â It was great to interact with social media professionals in the DC Area and of course the staff and students at AU. Â I was really impressed with the AU Social Media Club (@AU_SMCEDU), specifically Alex, Megan and Miranda for putting together the event.
I really enjoyed interacting with everyone at the conference.  One of the nice things about being in an academic setting is that people there are truly invested in learning.  Typically when I speak at an industry event, half the people in the room are doing work, the other half are bashing you on IRC or Twitter because they think they know it all.
So thank you again to everyone who participated, asked questions and stopped to chat before and after the panels, I learned a bunch of new stuff.  As I mentioned to Professor Talan, I would love to come in during the summer and do this all over again!