AIM Broadcaster 1.1

I originally wrote AIM Broadcaster as part of JAMS back in 2005. When I broke out JAMS into separate plugins Broadcaster was left out, but now it is back as a separate plugin. Download the executable, exit AIM and install the plugin. Restart AIM and to send out a broadcast message to an entire group, just right-click on the group and select ‘Broadcast IM to this Group.’ NOTE: In AIM 6.5 there is a bug where the group you select from the right-click menu will not be the selected item in the dropdown menu on the broadcast form. You need to select the group in the dropdown. This bug will be fixed by the client in a subsequent release. You can download AIM Broadcaster here.

Here is a screenshot of the broadcast form:

Also I have updated the AIM Gallery to fix problems with the twitterMan 3.0 plugin as well as AIM MusicLink.

Slow News Week…but busy week for me.

It has been chaotic this week, as I was in San Fran for 23 hours on Monday and Tuesday and came back on Wednesday to pack up my office for a move a few offices away. The pack up provided lots of humor as I found documents and designs back from AIM 2.5. Lots of great memories of the original AIM architects writing up how things work. 🙂

Out in California I saw a few interesting things. First, the Netscape fish tank was really full of life on Monday, and I thought I would grab a picture:

You can watch the live feed of the tank here.

On the way back home taking the train from the rental car garage to the terminal, I spotted the new JetBlue plane that allows you to read email and send IMs via your Blackberry or Yahoo. While this seems like a very limiting service, it was weird to actually see this plane in person with the big Yahoo and Blackberry logos painted on the side:

Last but not least, we released a new AIM 6.5 beta refresh client this week available here. This build has some minor tweaks and some additional small features. I am working on putting together a new version of the AIM Skinning tool I wrote earlier this year. I am hoping to get it out the door after Christmas when I have some free time between the holidays.

Some more code samples

I have added a more samples to my code page. I have included an entire project to download as well. In the sample I added today, is the base plugin project I use when writing all new C++ plugins. Download the project, and all you have to do is add your business logic. I have documented the code to the hilt and given you some ideas on what you can do with the project. I will be adding some more base samples, for example a basic javascript plugin, or a basic C# bot. Check out the basic plugin sample here.

Snowy Day in DC

It always amazes me what happens in DC when the snow starts flying. Yesterday our 66 mile beltway around DC was backed up 26 miles because the roads were a little damp. Here was the view in downtown Bethesda today…as the theory goes, I trust my own driving but no one else’s driving.
Snowy Bethesda

AIM on GMail

There are lots of posts all over the internet today about the availability of AIM now on GMail’s GTalk client.

The integration was built on top of the Open AIM SDK Library. When you open up GMail you will be able to sign into your AIM Account by clicking on Settings|Chat. Your AIM buddies will appear on the contact list in most frequent order and you can hover over and get basic buddy info.